Beautiful Room
Ethan Haymes
This room is beautiful. Just a desk and a piano. The piano,
the one you got when you were eight years old in Fort Worth, Texas, looks like
is was finished on the factory floor yesterday and that it has never played a
single note. Unwrapped for the first time in this pristine home. Outside, there
is so much everything, and so much nothing that the silence is deafening.
The desk has been used well. It has seen many years of
thinking, writing, and calling while telephones were still associated with the
furniture they were placed on and not free to float around in midair and travel
hundreds of miles from their nests. The desk sends its energy out in straight
lines. Cosmic Rays. It sends microscopic decisions, plans, and deadlines that
jet directly to their intended targets while passing through walls, flesh, and
earth without leaving a mark. It is the core of the cheesy looking star atop
the sign for the Astro Motel or the Cosmic Inn. There is function here, joy
here, there is pleasure and even delight, but not "beauty," not its own beauty?
No sex?
The piano's energy pulses out in rings, sound wave shaped disturbances of
the perfect environment. These shapes take on their full color when it is played.
This complex instrument responds to human touch and gives something back. You
can use a piano to kiss someone. Before karaoke, one had to be able to harness
the sounds of one of these vessels As well as produce sound waves through the
instrument of the body to attract mates (). In short, you can kiss someone with
the sounds of the piano. A kiss is still a kiss. You cannot kiss someone with a
desk. You can sit at the desk and he or she may kiss you, but you were loved
and desired by this person before you sat down. At the piano, if you are
skilled, you can seduce the most austere sensible being into rapture. Music is
what can lift our crude perceptions high enough to feel the breath of god.
energies, the circular lascivious ripples of one and the unashamedly direct
lines of the other, both are the strongest in the direction of the user whether
he is at his post or not. This is the one thing these two have in common. The
way that they are positioned, both facing generally toward, but not right at,
the very center of the circular design expertly woven into the rectangular
carpet, makes them harmonious. If
both of these powerful beings were made to stare directly at the center of that
circle, equidistant at 90 degrees, the center would be a physically
uncomfortable place to stand, and would summon you to stand at it all the same.
It would dare you to tempt the power of its existence, and see if you could
escape with a sound mind. This would turn this pleasant den into a torture
Piano. Rug. Desk. We have now arranged them perfectly and it
was worth the extra time and thought. You narrowly avoided a very unpleasant thing by trusting me to help you set this room up.
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